Postdocs eMagazine

Issued twice yearly in April and December
Publié deux fois par an, en avril et en décembre
(EN) Free membership options include current postdoc, alumni postdoc, adjunct (people working with postdocs, students interested in doing a postdoc), and affiliate for organizations, associations, and institutions.
(FR) Les options d’adhésion gratuite comprennent les postdocs actuels, les anciens postdocs, les adjoints (personnes travaillant avec des postdocs, étudiants souhaitant faire un postdoc) et les affiliés pour les organisations, les associations et les institutions.
2024 November“All is not well with Canada’s postdoctoral scholars: current challenges and solutions for researcher well-being” – Editorial written by CAPS Executives Dr. Henny Bennett and Dr. Micah Brush. Submitted as a CSPC 2024 conference editorial. Link to pre-publication submission: All is not well with Canada’s postdoctoral scholars: current challenges and solutions for researcher well-being
2024 October 30th – “Challenges and Opportunities after Graduate School: 10 year Longitudinal Analysis of the Canadian Postdoc Experience” Slides presented at the 62nd Annual CAGS Conference in Toronto, highlighting postdoc career development and challenges postdocs face with a focus on gender disparities in research. Link to slides: Challenges and Opportunities after Graduate School: 10 year Longitudinal Analysis of the Canadian Postdoc Experience
2024 October 29th – “About CAPS/ACPP and our work on fellowships and employee status” – Slides presented at the Annual CAPA Conference in Toronto, highlighting the issues of postdocs without employee status, an experience faced by too many fellowship holders in Canada. Link to slides: About CAPS/ACPP and our work on fellowships and employee status
2024 October 28th – 14th Annual General Meeting of CAPS/ACPP  Slides presented by CAPS and other speakers at the 14th Annual General Meeting of CAPS/ACPP held in a hybrid format on Zoom and at Toronto Metropolitan University. Some slide presentations are already available. Video recording will also be available soon. Make sure you are registered as a CAPS member to recieve updates on when AGM materials have been posted via our newsletter. Links for slides presented at the AGM: AGM 2024 webpage
2022 – “How administrative ambiguity and devaluating language hurts Canadian postdocs” – opinion article written by CAPS Executive members, published in University Affairs. (Jan 2022). “Redefining how university and institutional administrations see this vulnerable population of highly skilled workers is an important first step toward countering inequity and mending the gender gap in academia” – an article that illuminates why CAPS/ACPP changed its French name and is now CAPS/ACPP.
2019 – “Statut en balance” – French language article about CAPS/ACPP’ advocacy work on behalf of Canadian postdocs written by David Brosseau for Quartier L!bre (Jan 2019).
Link to article: STATUT EN BALANCE
2018 – “Postdoctoral scholars in Canada call for better recognition, funding and career training” – article written by Léo Charbonneau
from University Affairs about CAPS’ 2018 Canadian Science Policy Conference panel including comments from panelists.
2018 – CSPC interview with Joseph Sparling (Chair, CAPS/ACSP) – video interview (~7 minutes) following CAPS/ACPP’ panel at the 2018 Canadian Science Policy Conference (Dec 2018; published online by CSPC).
2018 – “Slowly but surely, postdoc advocacy is working – post by Brianne Kent on The Black Hole blog published by University Affairs
that includes a summary of the recommendations made by CAPS/ACPP during the 2018 Canadian Science Policy Conference panel (Dec 2018).
2018 – “Why Canada’s immigration regulations may be pushing postdocs out” – article by Chris Woolston in Nature based on findings from CAPS/ACPP 2018 Immigration Report and 2016 National Survey. Includes quotes from interviews with Joseph Sparling (Chair) and Anni Hämäläinen (VC Operations) of the 2018 CAPS/ACPP Executive Council
Link to full article, published online by Nature: [HTML; PDF]; also briefly mentioned in the print version – click here).
2018 – “Réinventer le système de formation postdoctorale canadien” – French language article written by François Potus and Sara Teinturier (2018 co-Vice Chairs French Communications, CAPS/ACPP) along with Joseph Sparling (2018 Chair, CAPS/ACPP) for Découvrir Magazine (Sept 2018; published by Acfas).
2018 – CAPS/ACSP in the 2018 EURAXESS North America
(published online).
Link to article: A Portrait of CAPS/ACPP, (page 7-9)
2018 – Joint Statement on Budget from Canada’s research community – signed and supported by CAPS/ACPP along with 13 other stakeholder groups (March 2018; published online by Universities Canada).
2017 – “Reviewing the International Research Landscape in Canada” a brief summary of the presentation
by Joseph Sparling
(2017 Chair, CAPS/ACPP) on page 19 of the Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the European Scientific Diasporas in North America (published online by EURAXESS).
Links to article: (HTML; PDF)
2017 – “Postdoctoral Fellows in Canada: Situations and Actions” – report, written by CAPS/ACPP At-Large Member Dr. Peter Clark. This report provides a wealth of information about postdoctoral policy at the federal, provincial, institutional and funding body levels and focuses on the effect of those policies in terms of labour conditions, statutory benefits, and immigration in particular. In addition, Dr. Clark identifies a number of action items for addressing the lack of basic labour rights and other difficulties facing postdocs in Canada. From a provincial perspective this report is particularly valuable, as it provides a detailed account of the legislation that should be targeted to improve postdoctoral policy in each province.
2016 – “Postdoctorants et postdoctorantes : portrait quantitatif d’une population” – French language article written by Comité intersectoriel étudiant des Fonds de recherche du Québec (the Intersectoral Student Committee of the Québec Research Funds) for Découvrir Magazine using data from CAPS’ 2016 National Postdoctoral Survey (published by Acfas).
2014 – Improving the Experiences of Social Sciences & Humanities Postdocs in Canada – a report prepared by CAPS/ACSP and submitted to SSHRC
2009 – CAPS/ACSP First Postdoctoral Survey and Position Paper on Postdoctoral Status – The final report from our 2009 postdoctoral survey, entitled “A postdoctoral crisis in Canada: From the“Ivory Tower” to the Academic “Parking Lot” is available hereThe accompanying position paper on postdoctoral status, entitled “CAPS Preliminary Position Paper on Postdoctoral Status” is available here.